

Share ideas, collect email lists, reward early adopters and validate ideas and get valuable input.

Backers: 1/10

Stage: Draft

💻 Technology


What is Indiebackers?

In the realm of Indiebackers: MVP takes on a new meaning – it stands for Most Valuable Person, representing the early adopters who play a pivotal role in the development of products within our community. Indiebackers was conceived with the understanding that a significant number of startups face challenges because they overlook the importance of developing for and with the community. We believe in the idea that a full-scale launch shouldn't be a prerequisite for validating an innovative concept.

In short, Indiebackers is a collaborative platform for users to share and explore their new ideas within the community. Users seize the opportunity to present perks in exchange for support until the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is ready. Indiebackers is dedicated to facilitating the an easy exchange of ideas, developing community engagement, and providing solid support for the development of viable and impactful concepts.

How It Works

Share Your Idea:

Post your innovative concept and let the community discover the potential within your vision.

Offer a Deal:

Incentivize community support by offering a deal. Early adopters can engage with your idea and contribute to its development.

Shape Your MVP:

With the backing of the Indiebackers community, work collaboratively to craft a Minimum Viable Product that captures the essence of your idea.

Benefits and perks of signing up a indiebacker

Lifetime Deal Free or Discounted Access

Ways of Collaboration

Feedback Sessions and Q&A Discord Conversations

Become a Indiebacker for Indiebackers

Join as an early adopter and help out

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